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1. What site do you visit online to find encouragement or inspiration?
The Tiny Twig is a daily stop for me. I met Hayley in college and have continued to admire her work-ethic, passion, and resolve to speak freedom for women. Her site is consistently positive, life-giving, and insightful.
2. What is one piece of advice you wish you had known as a new blogger or online-business woman?
When I started blogging, I was afraid to ask for anything. I’ve learned that most people like to be asked, and will respond YES. It is impossible to build community if you never reach outside yourself.
3. What has surprised you most in this life?
The way marriage has continued to edify me and point out my sinful struggles has been a constant surprise. I went into marriage thinking idealistically that it would fix the broken parts in my husband and me. What I have experienced almost daily since then, has been that marriage is a vehicle for God to redeem me by using the selfishness that inevitably pops up in my heart. I had to take marriage off a pedestal (that it had been perched on for my entire unmarried life) and allow God to fill that spot instead. It has been the biggest example of the gospel in my life.
4. How do you refresh when you run out of ideas or creativity?
When I run out of words to write or stories to tell, I prefer to work with my hands. I am not crafty by any means, but simply pulling out watercolors or cooking a meal feels refreshing. If I’m seriously lacking inspiration, I’ll move furniture around or paint an entire room. I can reach a “finish-line” and accomplish something while giving my brain a rest.
5. What is one thing you love about yourself?
I love being introverted. In the past year, I’ve been doing some typical 20s self-discovery, and it has been enormously freeing to love and accept the way God has designed me. It takes me awhile to formulate a response to questions; I prefer quiet, uninterrupted time to work and read; I enjoy talking about deep things; and I love investing in a few friends versus socializing with a big crowd.