Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Go To Influence GIVEAWAY!

The Influence girls have decided to offer one lucky lady a chance for a FREE Influence Experience.  We've got you covered from top to bottom in a giveaway worth over $1000.  

Conference Ticket?  Check. 

Hotel stay? Check. 

Airfare?  Check. 

Shopping money?  Check. 

Cute bag to carry around the conference?  Check. 


Influence Network lifetime online membership???  Check. 

We cannot wait for the conference this year and the chance to meet hundreds of gospel-minded, creative women in real life.  We have amazing speakers, events, and surprises planned for the conference - all with the purpose of blessing and inspiring you to make your life, online and off, mean something.  During the rest of the year, you can use the Network to engage with a community of lovely, wise women online.  

And we don't want you to miss any of it!  

1. an Influence Conference ticket ($225 value)
2. a lifetime membership to the network
3. a $50 gift voucher to spend in the Sashes Market at Influence
4. a $250 airline voucher
5. TWO NIGHTS at the Westin hotel where we're having the conference
6. a Better Life Bags Brynnda bag ($165 value)

There are multiple options to win below! 
Even if you don't win - you'll win big by being at the conference so snag your ticket to Influence ASAP and we'll see you in September! 

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. What a true blessing! Thanks so much for providing this opportunity for someone to attend this amazing conference.

  2. This is so incredible! An awesome opportunity for one very lucky person!

  3. What a great opportunity!!! Hoping it could possibly be me :) Thanks for the chance!

  4. This is seriously such a blessing! May the Lord have His way!!

  5. I just clicked through every single Raffle-Copter "chance" and even if I don't win, I found some great blogs!!

  6. Praying! I was really hoping to attend this year but just didn't see a way to do it! This could be the answer!

  7. Such an awesome giveaway! Praying that the right gal will win. :) Thanks guys!

  8. So exciting and such a blessing to someone!!


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