Friday, June 21, 2013

Simulcast + Step by Step

We had a totally awesome simulcast on Monday where we shared our hearts for you women, our hearts for the conference and a lot of awesome details. We took questions from social media under the hashtag #influenceconf and answered them as best we could. If you missed out, never fear! You can scroll through the hashtag on twitter and you can watch the simulcast below! If you want to skip ahead we begin talking about conference stuff at the 10:50 mark.


Most of the questions were how tos for the conference, and we want to help you out. Think of this as your own personal concierge. We've said it before and we'll say it again: the best place to connect is the conference section of the forums. But some people like lists and step by step instructions... and so, we've got you covered!
  • GET THE FUNDS- Jessi wrote an awesome post on why we can afford anything God calls us to. And Hayley has wrote an awesome post last year on how to get a blog conference sponsorship
  • BUY YOUR TICKET- You can purchase your ticket HERE
  • SIGN UP TO VOLUNTEER- We are currently accepting volunteers to help with set up/ break down/ and other little things throughout the conference. If you're interested feel free to fill out our volunteer form  
  • ADD A BUTTON- We've made buttons to help y'all connect with one another and let your friends know where you'll be in September. You can grab a button for your blog on the main conference page
  • CONNECT BEFOREHAND- You can find the speakers and workshops + community leaders here. Reach out and tell them you are coming to the #influenceconf ! They would love to connect with you!! 
  • FIND ROOMMATES- The best place to find a roommate is under the roommate thread on the forums. You can also send out a tweet under #influenceconf or even leave a comment below on this post. Seriously ladies, we suggest doing rooms of 4 gals if you can. It is so much more fun and, of course, less expensive that way.
  • BOOK YOUR ROOM- We have a special conference rate at the Westin. You can book directly through our Hotel+Travel conference page.
  • GET TO THE HOTEL- We've set up a place for you to hitch-a-ride with other women through the forums. Or if you are interested in picking people up from the airport you can post it there as well. We've also set up a special price for a shared shuttle ride. You can book it directly through our Hotel+Travel conference page.
  • CONNECT IN INDY- Whether you want to plan a dinner, a coffee date, or a dance party... The best place to do that is through our It's A Date forum page. Or just quickly tweet out "Starbucks in the lobby in 5 #influenceconf" This conference is going to be what you make it!!
We are so very excited about this year's conference. Our prayer is it will be a blessing to you and your online life and that you will leave feeling refreshed. So make sure to get your ticket today!


  1. Thank you so much for posting this! I wasn't able to attend on Monday night, so this is really nice. So excited about the Conference! Now to go talk to God about it a little more... Please, can I go, pretty please...? ;)
    Jessi K

  2. Thanks for posting this!

    And I agree, we can afford anything that God calls us too. We make time (and find the money) for things that are important to us.


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