Wednesday, May 22, 2013

How to Get Loved One's On-Board

Just a quick little vlog for y'all this week. Mike and I (Hayley) sat down to chat and offer you a peek into the way we do marriage and the way I get him on board with my ideas. This video will be relevant to you no matter what your big idea is. Adoption, work, a creative pursuit, writing a book, leaving the workplace, etc. No idea is too crazy.


  1. So good Hayley and Mike! Thanks for taking us through the process!

  2. This was EXCELLENT. The one thing that concerns me is how the digital world is starting to creep in between marriages. Especially for women, we find it very fulfilling to be connected. This gave such a creative (& cute) vision of working to cross those lines over and stay very connected with the one who matters most! Great questions and points. Thanks!

  3. First of all, I love how {right out the gate} he makes a sports analogy! LOL Seriously though, this was tremendously helpful in giving me ideas to help "bridge the gap" between my feelings/ideas/interests and getting my husband on board with whatever it is I'm looking to do next.

  4. Super cute!!! Thanks so much you guys! This is DEFINITELY an issue I've struggled with, though not with the hubby since I don't have one currently, haha! Appreciate it!

  5. Wow thank you that was very helpful especially seeing that I can relate with Hayley as an idea person but when it comes to implementation I am with Mike I need to set parameters so I am not taking huge irresponsible risks. I have these discussion with myself all the time. My Husband often laughs at how I can talk myself in circles for hours but I am grateful that he has been supportive through the process.

  6. Love this! Also--you guys are adorable

  7. So good and much needed. I, too, am an ideas person, a dreamer, but sometimes have a hard time putting parameters on myself AND sticking with it when I start to feel the shiny new-ness wear off... Both things which cause my husband skepticism. Thank you for the tools to help me help him see my visions more concretely :)


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